Bicycle, once a vital building block of developing country, has now become a symbol of a sustainable lifestyle. Lumi-rim is a ceiling light made of discarded bicycle rims, refurbished with a translucent inner tube with LED lights underneath. Once a heavy duty rubber tire has turned into an elegant and smooth halo lighting.
單車,已經由從前建設社會重要的一員,變成現代環保生活的身份象徵。 Lumi- rim 是由被棄置的單車輪框所組成,利用輪框本身凹坑的結構,裝上 LED 燈條再配上獨特的透面輪軚,形成一個連貫的光環效果, 將昔日粗獷的象膠輪軚變成一 個柔和的典雅燈飾。