Tyvek 係一隻經常用作包裝同運送藝術品嘅物料,佢摸落同紙質相似,但質量輕得嚟非常堅韌,而且透氣防水。
雖然佢嘅纖維由HDPE 製成,係同一般清潔劑樽一樣嘅塑膠,但可惜業界並未有回收Tyvek嘅習慣,所以每當藝術品送到嚟香港嘅藝術館同畫廊後,包裝都會被送去堆填。
今次幫Art Basel去諗一個禮品袋俾佢哋將畫冊係展覽期間送出,就提議佢哋試吓同畫廊合作回收Tyvek,再交俾本地車衣隊製成畫冊袋,希望可以將呢隻物料搵到更好嘅出路啦。
Tyvek is a fabric galleries and museums often used for art packaging and transportation.
It has a paper-like, lightweight smooth surface, yet provides breathability, tear and water resistant.
Although it is made of HDPE plastic, same type of plastic found in detergent bottles, but recycling tyvek are not a common practice in Hong Kong.
Commissioned to design a gift bag for Art basel, this project begins with a joint effort to recycle tyvek from partnering galleries, then transform the material into bags through a team of local craftswomen. As a pilot to inspire more sustainable ways to reuse this remarkable material.