我們生活在一個資源豐裕的城市,美麗的材料往往每天都很容易被忽視。 風動牆由700多個鋁罐製成,從社區裡收集,清洗並分類成閃閃發光的顏色,每當有人經過時,輕微的空氣 流動就會泛起漣漪。從而啟發人們對消費的模式的反思以及低碳生活的重要性。
We live in a city with abundant resources, beautiful materials are often neglected every day. Wind moving wall made out of more than 700 aluminum cans, collected from the community, cleaned and sorted into a gradient of sparkling colours,reacting to the slightest air movement when anyone passes by. With the goal to inspire one's lifestyle of mindful consumption and the importance of reducing reuse recycling.