This is the project that kickstarted my upcycling journey. The Boombottle is a speaker system made from a waste plastic container. By using the plastic bottle as the soundbox, It provides a rugged, lightweight body to become a portable speaker. Attached with 2 speaker drives on both sides to provide all-around music coverage, along with LED light, which allows it to glow-in-the-dark at night, perfect for playing music outdoors.
Boombottle is part of the M+ Collections and is now on display.
Boombottle Lite is a simplified version of the Boombottle, keeping all the essentials components but build into a plastic bottle that is 70% smaller. The wasted plastic ink container is rugged, yet has an internal volume that makes it a nice speaker enclosure. When it is attached to speaker drives, it becomes a portable speaker, perfect for sharing music and the idea of upcycling.
Dimensions/weight: 21.5 cm H x 16 cm W x 8.4 cm D (465 g)
Wireless range: up to 9 m (30 ft)
Battery life: 4 rechargeable AA batteries up to 5 hours
Denim Case 是一系列用廢棄牛仔布加入樹脂製成的電話保護殼。 牛仔褲是一種十分耐用的衣物,隨年月穿著,布上會慢慢形成不同的紋理和痕跡,這些獨特的痕跡能夠記載住穿著者的生活習慣,經歷,甚至曾經去過的地方。但當牛仔褲完成它的歷史使命後,這些依然耐用的布料就可以再次做成貼身的電話殼,而且每個都會有它獨特的故事。
Denim Case is a series of phone cases made out of denim fabric from old jeans, formed into a thin rugged case with resin. Denim is a material made to withstand wear and tear. Over the years, different patterns and fading were created by usage, showing how a person wore the jeans or even traced back to the places they have been. After the jeans were worn out, these unique markings can be repurposed and transformed into something that can continued to be carried around and tell the story.
Wallpaper wallet is made of reclaimed high quality wall-covering materials. This is constant waste from the outdated sample booklets. The wallcovering material is rugged, waterproof yet has vibrant colors and textures. They are perfect to be revitalized and made into wallets with a simple and functional profile. Each wallet is different since every page of the sample booklet has a unique color and texture.
Wallpaper Holder is made of the same reclaimed high quality wall-covering materials with the same clean and functional profile, which holds up to 20 cards. Each holder is unique with different vibrant colors and textures.
Feltlike is a line of bags made of leftover carpets collected from the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, where exhibitions and trade shows take place everyday. Decorative materials keep being removed from exhibition halls and dumped into our landfills. The synthetic felt carpet is often clean and unused. With certain thickness and softness, they can provide protection for your gadgets.
The cover is made of leftover washable kraft paper collected from a local patch factory, water proof and rugged material commonly used on denim.
Available in Ruby Red and Navy Blue
Allow for charging Macbook inside sleeve
Interior pocket with pen slots
Coffee tote is made of reclaimed coffee bean bag and denim samples. Coffee bean bag is made of jute fabric, an organic yet heavy-duty material. These bags were used to carried thousand pounds of coffee beans, coming in from over 10 different countries, delivered to The Coffee AcademÏcs roasting room located next to their outlet in Causeway Bay. After the beans are being consumed, they were collected and mixed with another rugged material - denim samples collected from factories to create the Coffee Tote. This product is 100% upcycled in Hong Kong, the size is big enough to carry 16” laptop and A3 size documents.
Tyvek 係一隻經常用作包裝同運送藝術品嘅物料,佢摸落同紙質相似,但質量輕得嚟非常堅韌,而且透氣防水。
雖然佢嘅纖維由HDPE 製成,係同一般清潔劑樽一樣嘅塑膠,但可惜業界並未有回收Tyvek嘅習慣,所以每當藝術品送到嚟香港嘅藝術館同畫廊後,包裝都會被送去堆填。
今次幫Art Basel去諗一個禮品袋俾佢哋將畫冊係展覽期間送出,就提議佢哋試吓同畫廊合作回收Tyvek,再交俾本地車衣隊製成畫冊袋,希望可以將呢隻物料搵到更好嘅出路啦。
Tyvek is a fabric galleries and museums often used for art packaging and transportation.
It has a paper-like, lightweight smooth surface, yet provides breathability, tear and water resistant.
Although it is made of HDPE plastic, same type of plastic found in detergent bottles, but recycling tyvek are not a common practice in Hong Kong.
Commissioned to design a gift bag for Art basel, this project begins with a joint effort to recycle tyvek from partnering galleries, then transform the material into bags through a team of local craftswomen. As a pilot to inspire more sustainable ways to reuse this remarkable material.
The 1958 pattern webbing is a modular based military equipment issued to the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom, British Forces in Hong Kong as well as The Royal Hong Kong Regiment from the 1950s until the mid-1990s.
These equipment were left behind by the colonial Government of Hong Kong and were then acquired by a collector before the handover in 1997. They were stored in a warehouse in Long Ping for 20 years, but were uncovered before the warehouse was demolished. These historical equipment were originally on their way to the landfill.
To rescue these modular webbings, they have been re-designed into durable, practical everyday backpacks, Fieldpack 58.
Download: Fieldpack 58 Manual
- 屋企要搵位儲存回收物無空間
- 其他屋企成員教極都唔識/唔記得點分類,好心搞亂檔
- 一大袋回收物拎到去回收站已經撈亂晒,即場再分好論盡又會阻住其他人
唸咗個回收分類袋,令有興趣加入街坊可以容易啲踏出第一步 🙂
Sort-it 回收袋係一個由rPET布料製成嘅掛牆分類袋,
呢個袋將會係世界綠色組織World Green Organisation係各區設立嘅流動回收站派發!有興趣想要嘅就記住儲定啲膠樽拎俾佢地喇 😉
Sort-it Recycling Bag is a hanging storage bag designed for the Hong Kong living environment. Utilizing the wall space at home for practicing clean recycling, the bag has big compartments with clear indications for easy access, which also serves as a clear reminder about recycling for other members in the house :). Once filled, simply fold up the bag and you are good to go! At the recycling station, each compartment can be unloaded one by one quickly and without hassle.
#WorldGreenOrganisation #世界綠色組織 #塑新生有限公司 #NewLifePlastics #CocaColaHK #民坊 #PeoplesPlace #齊回收樂共享 #GoBeyondGood
Rice Bell is a bicycle bell made out of wasted rice cooker bowl, which is a common waste from Asian household appliances. The aluminum dome shape creates a good resonance sound.
They come in different colors, patterns and coating, which gives each bell a unique pitch sound. Like every bicycle, every rice bell carries a characteristic like no other.
The rice cooker bowl is collected from Tuen Mun Eco-park and production is done by local metal craftsman in Hong Kong.
飯鈴是由廢棄電飯煲內膽壓製而成的單車響鈴. 電飯煲內膽是亞洲地區城市常見的電器廢料,鋁質材料壓成圓穹形就能敲出清脆響聲。
The Can Slicer is a tool to slice open aluminium cans, turning them into flat sheets of metal for upcycling projects. It allows the process of cutting to be more efficient, quick and easy.
Made of locally recycled HDPE with precious plastic machines from Fablab Tokwawan.
Bicycle, once a vital building block of developing country, has now become a symbol of a sustainable lifestyle. Lumi-rim is a ceiling light made of discarded bicycle rims, refurbished with a translucent inner tube with LED lights underneath. Once a heavy duty rubber tire has turned into an elegant and smooth halo lighting.
單車,已經由從前建設社會重要的一員,變成現代環保生活的身份象徵。 Lumi- rim 是由被棄置的單車輪框所組成,利用輪框本身凹坑的結構,裝上 LED 燈條再配上獨特的透面輪軚,形成一個連貫的光環效果, 將昔日粗獷的象膠輪軚變成一 個柔和的典雅燈飾。
(2018)三月,有間法國公司嘅同事嚟到藍屋介紹佢地有一團隊專係用法國廠房嘅剩料再造產品,叫Petit h。佢地想將Petit h 嘅產品帶嚟香港,想搵個香港本地設計師一齊唸吓點樣可以裝修佢地中環嘅旗艦店。
其實我對於裝修是唔識的,但深信每個社區掉出嚟嘅物料都有一個獨特嘅故事,所以去到佢地位於法國嘅Petit h 工作室,第一眼就見到一堆堆被剪咗頭尾defect位嘅絲巾碎料,啲絲巾全人手絲印出嚟,手工精細,每張都印住一個個畫家嘅故事。
所以拎到佢地之後,我就將一堆堆巢掹掹嘅絲巾分返色tone,用竹圈好似crop相咁一小塊一小塊咁mount返直,再砌成一塊塊葉嘅形態呈現出嚟。全場掛滿超過5000個絲巾圈,分咗九個色區,鋪天蓋地~每個都係血汗心機 。搭開電車經過中環可以嚟睇睇丫!
特別鳴謝 香港office 同事 & Plug Team!
All my projects have one similar goal: to showcase how unused materials can be turned into something amazing. This project has to be one of the most amazing journey so far.
A privilege to have the passionate Petit h team from Paris to come to my studio in March(2018). Petit h is a brand which will design creative upcycled products using unused materials from their factory, and they were planning to bring their products to Hong Kong and were looking for a local designer in Hong Kong to collaborate on their store design.
Upcycled materials always tell a unique story about their origin. During the visit in the Petit h workshop in Paris, it wasn’t too hard to notice there were bags and bags of off cut silk fabrics from the production, pieces of silk that were all fine printed in its highest quality. Each pattern were hand drawn by artist with a unique story.
The off cuts were brought back to Hong Kong, categorised into different colours and patterns, then mounted on to bamboo circles to form the shape of leaves. Each piece of leaf has a different story to tell, and the whole scenography project used more than 5,000 silk circles with 9 different colours zoning. This was the first time for Petit h to use such a large amount of upcycled materials in their scenography.
From 18 November - 9 December 2018
Hermès, Ground Floor, Landmark Prince’s, 10 Chater Road, Central
《腳踏投影機》互動裝置展出於IFVA 2020 影像嘉年華。單車,曾經和人力車並行,比電車更早出現在香港的街道。
配合在旁林若曦的作品《Mood Piano》,一座大型手搖音樂琴,左右兩邊,高音部份奏出愉快旋律,低音部份是恐怖吊詭的音樂,襯托影像觀看時就會有不同的感覺。
This is an interactive installation designed for the IFVA 2020 “Cinematic Playground” Exhibition. Bicycles used to co-exist with rickshaws on streets of old Hong Kong prior to trams.
Ride on this Penny-farthing, the father of modern bicycles,
and travel back in time to cruise down the old streets of the city through moving images.
Accompanied by the Mood Piano created by Alize Lam, a hand cranked playing piano with two channels: the treble part plays light-hearted melodies, and the bass part that plays haunting tunes, creating different moods while watching these moving images.
時間:08:30 - 17:00 (Mon - Fri) , 09:00 - 18:00 (Sat & Sun)
地點:FabCafe Hong Kong, 上環新街10號地鋪 G/ F, 10 New Street, Sheung Wan
With the covid pandemic, commuting on bicycles became a big movement as many people are attracted to the notion of riding alone to reduce risk and keep others safe. This pedal-powered cycling simulator is an interactive piece for people to get a taste of the experience. Movement of the wheel generates power to move the simulator and player, which will have to move past different obstacles to ride along the streets of Hong Kong.
Exhibition: The Practice of Everyday Life
Date: 27.6 — 15.11.2020
Venue: Oil Street Art Space
我們生活在一個資源豐裕的城市,美麗的材料往往每天都很容易被忽視。 風動牆由700多個鋁罐製成,從社區裡收集,清洗並分類成閃閃發光的顏色,每當有人經過時,輕微的空氣 流動就會泛起漣漪。從而啟發人們對消費的模式的反思以及低碳生活的重要性。
We live in a city with abundant resources, beautiful materials are often neglected every day. Wind moving wall made out of more than 700 aluminum cans, collected from the community, cleaned and sorted into a gradient of sparkling colours,reacting to the slightest air movement when anyone passes by. With the goal to inspire one's lifestyle of mindful consumption and the importance of reducing reuse recycling.
A kinetic sculpture made with 2 retired drums of Miele washing machine
In a constant changing world, sustainability is all about finding the balance between human and nature, making better choices at every stages of the design process. "In Search of Balance" is a kinetic sculpture that moves in the air. It is not just an art form but a demonstration of the balanced forces.
Retrieving two retired drum from Miele's signature washing machines, the iconic honeycomb shape is the key component of this sculpture. Piece by piece, building one level after another, forming an interconnected structure where every component is balanced out one and after the other. Creating an illusion of weightlessness, it seemingly glides through the air and is pleasing to the eye. It is the process of constantly searching for balance captured in the spirit of sustainable design.
在不斷變化的世界裡, 可持續發展就是要在人與自然之間找到平衡,在設計過程中每個階段做出更好的選擇。
動態雕塑是一個在空中移動的裝置, 它呈現的不僅是其藝術的美感,而且是平衡力量的展示。
利用了兩個由維修中心回收的退役洗衣機不銹鋼滾筒,剪裁出其獨特的蜂巢形狀作為裝置的主要組件。 一層一層製作,形成一個相互扣連的結構,每個組件相互平衡。創造一種無重的錯覺,在空中滑翔,賞心悅目。這不斷尋求平衡的過程正正就是可持續設計精神。
“Cycling Piano” is a mobile musical installation built for community engagement along the Victoria harbour, and to provide a platform for young and emerging musician to perform.
This one-of-a-kind tricycle incorporated many stories of Hong Kong.
First is the 1960s Hong Kong-made Morrison piano from Tsang Fook Piano Company, rescued from a house where a mother’s 2 sons have outgrown the interest on the piano.
A restoration on this 60-year-old piano was carried out by Ivan Lai, 3rd generation piano tuner of whom his grandfather was a carpenter at Tsang Fook Piano Factory in the 60s, in Kam Hong Street, North Point.
The wooden bench was made of reclaimed staircase wood from the historical building Blue House in Wanchai.
All brass engraving plates on the bike was produced by local metal craftsman.
Green and white colours of the bike were an iconic combination found in most public transport(e.g. Star Ferry, Peak Tram and Hong Kong Tramways) from the 50s-60s.
This is a collaborative project with F2D in Singapore. This huge plastic water tank was found in the construction site which has an ideal height of a bar table. We installed a tabletop on it and integrated all the features of Boombottle into the tank. With the oversized automobile speakers powerful enough to rock the whole room, it will surely be a piece of glow-in-the-dark furniture that can host a party.
Date: Apr 2013
Exhibited in:
- "Giving New Life to Abandoned Objects Exhibition" Singapore
This is a collaboration with a local Bamboo Steamer maker(德昌森記) in Hong Kong, which have been handcrafting quality bamboo products for 5 generations! Together we explore the possibilities of using the traditional technique for making consumer products. The project demonstrated bamboo as a material with great potential, which can be practical, functional and can be designed with generations of wisdom and experience. A set of speakers and table lamp were made, giving a refreshing look to this fading iconic craftsmanship of our city.
Date: August 2014
Venue: 德昌森記 Hong Kong, Western street, no.12
As we are digitalizing our documents in the office, hundreds of thousands of used box files have been brought to the landfill every day. Audiofile is a speaker made of reclaimed box file. They disguised themselves as document holders and were place on the shelves to become a little bit of secret fun in the office. For people who spend most of their time in front of their office desks, the Audiofile can provide some pleasant music without disrupting the look of the environment.
This is a commission project to build a sculpture with waste materials for Citibank Plaza. Box files are a common offices object and constant waste, they are sturdy and come in different colors. The idea is to turn them into something totally unexpected, which would give their employees a pleasant surprise. The result is a 8ft-tall nutcracker standing in the lobby of the Citibank building greeting everyone during Christmas.
The next sculpture was set to debut sometime in April 2015.
Date: Dec 2013
Exhibited in:
- Citibank Plaza Lobby, Central, HK
傘骨姆指琴是一個由廢棄傘骨所製的樂器裝置,原理參考古代樂器姆指琴(Kalimba)透過撥動鐵枝而發聲。它有八組琴鍵,用兩隻大姆指彈奏,可八人一同合奏。 創作概念源自今日香港的雨傘都是很多故事的載體,記載著時代的變遷,所以此裝置都是使用在街頭上被破壞掉棄的現代傘骨改裝成樂器,令它能繼續編寫更多新的故事和樂章, 為香港發聲。 裝置2016年於 文化葫蘆「港文化·港創意-山水相逢」 沙田公園展出。
Umbrella Piano is an instrument made out of wasted umbrella structure, it is a simplified version of an ancient instrument Kalimba. Containing 8 sets of notes, easily played with both your thumbs and can allow up to 8 people to play together. Inspired by today's umbrella of Hong Kong, which was more than a simple everyday object - an umbrella can be the medium to carry stories about place and time. With this installation, the structure of the broken umbrellas collected from the street were repurposed to create music, continuing the Hong Kong spirit and to create more stories. Installation was exhibited in Heritage x Arts x Design Walk Project [Main Plaza, Shatin Park from 30Apr - 5Jun/2016]
A Scottish Whiskey brand opening a new flagship shop in Hong Kong, they wanted to make some noise with a uniquely sustainable touch.
This 12-key xylophone is made of retired whiskey cask from factory in Scotland. These whiskey soaked oak creates a deep and rich pitch and emit a unique aroma of the spirit when played.
The process has been documented and shared online with the intention to allow anyone to be able to replicate the project with any other types of wood.
Made of discarded wood from the convention centre, this mobile pop up station that can be tolled by a bicycle.
The pop up station comes in two different table heights for adults and kids. Each station unfolds into a two-meter-long table with two attractive upcycled umbrellas and eight foldable seats. A commissioned project for HKAC to conduct a series of community engagement programs on the street of North Point.
This project is about bringing the Heritage House 1881 closer to the community. By upcycling wine boxes collected from their restaurant, smaller versions of the original post pigeon house of the Heritage House was replicated. These mini pigeon houses acted as as small message boxes, to be filled with drawings and writings by the visitors. This project became part of the arts installation to commemorate the official opening of the Heritage House 1881.
其實每日我地丟緊去堆填嗰六百噸嘅木廢料入面包括有好多好多嘅卡板, 如果多啲人識拆卡板自己砌傢俬, 就唔駛吓吓都去ikea 啦! 今次好榮幸經文化胡蘆介紹, 認識到其中一條受東北發展影響嘅農村, 牛潭尾村. 一條住咗千幾人嘅村, 入面有好多都係公公婆婆. 出入都要行十至十五分鍾去村口搭小巴. 沿路公共設施唔太多. 所以暑假期間就帶同一班熱血嘅 Thei & HKDI 同學由入村site visit開始, 一步步為牛潭尾村做咗一批公共傢俬!
p.s 無錯, 牛潭尾村係一條"農村"! 西區村民話直至幾年前高鐵地盤抽走晒條村嘅井水(地下水), 農田就開始種唔倒嘢, 養魚場, 雞場, 果園亦都相繼結業了. 而因為港鐵工程, 有村民間屋出現沉降裂紋, 港鐵話唔關佢地事. 有地產商強行收地變左垃圾廢車場, 收唔倒就搵黑社會半夜入村騷擾佢地. 報警警察以私人業權爭拗為由不受理...聽到心都實晒...
We are throwing more than 600 tons of wood to our landfill everyday here in Hong Kong, there must be a better way to use these material!
Introduced by Hulu Culture, me and a group of passionate Thei and HKDI design students got to visit a lesser known farm village Ngai Tam Mei located in the northern part of Yuen Long. Affected by recent underground rail road development, most of the wells in the village have been dried out, villagers have been struggling, fish farms, pig farms, chicken farms were forced to close down and emptied out. Leaving behind mostly elderly are still living in the village where public furnitures is lacked.
We decided to make a set of furnitures with pallet woods for the village hoping to ease the life there a little. From a bigger one like the brench for a pavilion at the middle of the village used to be a gather area for the villager, to smaller one like a ramp for wheelchairs.
Bottleship is constructed with 360pcs PET Bottles, which can carry 2 people. It is a commissioned project with RTHK for the TV show 'DIY2K'.
Date: Sept 2012
Bottle chimes an installation made of wasted PET bottles.They are pressurised with air to create a glass like sound when bumping into each other, it also gives illuminating effect through it's sand blasted surface.
This is a reminder when we can put a little tweak and imagination into something useless, we might turn it into something amazingly beautiful.
Exhibited in:
- Salone del Mobile 2014. Milan - Constant Change, Triennal di Milano
- BODW 2011, Detour - PMQ
Created from more than 200 plastic laundry bags, this installation features a giant octopus over 7 meters long. These bags are large and sturdy, yet they are often used only once, which is a tremendous waste! Our production team visited various neighbourhoods in Hong Kong to collect these bags. By fusing them together with an iron and blowing air through a fan, we transformed them into a lifelike octopus and heres the process.
Global plastic production reaches a staggering 400 million tons annually, and in Hong Kong alone, daily plastic bag waste totaled up to 878 tons, accounting for over 37% of the city’s plastic waste (Source: “Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong - Waste Statistics for 2022*). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, at least 14 million tons of plastic waste enters our oceans each year, representing about 80% of all marine debris and posing a significant threat to marine ecosystems.
In recent years, marine biologists have discovered that one of the smartest invertebrates in the ocean— the octopus-has begun using human-generated trash to construct their homes. Perhaps we can draw some insights from this ocean dweller and rethink our perceptions of “waste.”
Creative Summer Festival ( 10-18 August/ 1pm to 6pm/ Courtyard & Marketplace, PMQ, Central)
童創節 (2024年8月10至18日/下午1時至6時/ 中環元創方地面廣場)
邊個話聖誕裝飾一定唔環保? 藍屋鄰近灣仔街市,生果店眾多,每日都會有大量生果網被棄置。 我們每星期的藍屋街坊分類回收日經常都會收到生果網,然而生果網屬發泡膠類,本港未有完善回收渠道處理,但物料本身輕,亦透光,所以我地就四出收集街區超過3000個嘅生果網,串起做成我地聖誕燈飾! 聯同藍屋周邊嘅街坊一齊製作,織咗總長240 米嘅燈飾,橫跨三條街吊去對面街街坊嘅窗口! 我地最想帶出,其實回收都可以好靚好好玩!
聖誕節後所有生果網將送往迷失的寶藏: 發泡膠回收活動妥善回收。
聖誕過後將會變成過千棵小盤栽繼續生長 🙂
Like a pine cone that’s formed out of slices of seeds, these were sets of 3 zero-waste Christmas trees built on a bamboo structure covered by wallpaper made pockets.
Each wallpaper wallet contained a piece of seed paper.
After Christmas, the “trees” will be transformed into thousands of small plants and continue to grow. 🙂
#Upcycledinhongkong #dandyhk #rooftoprepublic #DBSHongKong
#livemorewasteless #SustainableChristmas #DBSFoundation
(所有紙包飲品盒在活動完結後,全部收集送去喵坊 Mil Mill,香港首間紙包飲品盒回收廠)
This is one of our annual Christmas installation we built to decorate the Bluehouse, using Tetrapak boxes collected from the neighbourhood, which were converted into chains of spinning wind mills, hanging above the street of Stone Nullah Lane. After dismantle, the Tetrapak boxes were collected and sent to Mil Mill, the local tetrapak recycling factory.
Colourful silk scrap fabric and leather are pressed into thousand of small cards for participants to choose from. Horse shape is die-cut out through the rolling machine, then all the joints are connected with brass rivets. Each horse is unique and so as the experience.
“The average amount of plastic disposed of daily totalled 2,331 tonnes in 2021 — similar to the weight of nearly 70 adult humpback whales.” - HKFP
Following April’s partial ban on single-use plastics, businesses in Hong Kong are switching to paper containers and tableware that claims to be biodegradable.
With the fact that Hong Kong’s three remaining landfills expected to be full by 2030, all single-use are bad.
The 8 meters long “Trash Whale” is made up of 2,331 pieces of disposable tableware. Supported by a bamboo structure, with an outer layer consisting of various plastic lunchboxes and lids, the whale is surrounded by paper containers and tableware.
In collaboration with Greenpeace, the installation aimed to draw public attention to the financial and environmental costs behind single-use plastic or other unnecessary packaging. Urging the government and chain companies to establish a reusable tableware lending and return service target and timetable.
“2021 年,每日平均棄掉的即棄塑膠總量為 2,331 噸,相當於 70 條成年座頭鯨的重量。” - HKFP
但面對香港三個預計到 2030 年將填滿的垃圾堆填區,轉用非塑膠即棄餐具並無助減廢。
今次就利用咗洗衣機滾桶轉動嘅原理,係滾桶上唔同嘅位置裝咗啲"牙仔”,轉動一週就會敲出一段音樂,轉動嘅速度就控制拍子快慢 。
LG musicbox machine
This a collaboration with LG, turning one of their wasted washing machine into a hand cranked music box. By reusing the rotational drum in the washing machine, teeth are added on the surface of the drum. As it rotates, melody will be played though a set of 7 rice bells on the side, each rice bell playing a different note.
click to see more about rice bell.