A kinetic sculpture made with 2 retired drums of Miele washing machine
In a constant changing world, sustainability is all about finding the balance between human and nature, making better choices at every stages of the design process. "In Search of Balance" is a kinetic sculpture that moves in the air. It is not just an art form but a demonstration of the balanced forces.
Retrieving two retired drum from Miele's signature washing machines, the iconic honeycomb shape is the key component of this sculpture. Piece by piece, building one level after another, forming an interconnected structure where every component is balanced out one and after the other. Creating an illusion of weightlessness, it seemingly glides through the air and is pleasing to the eye. It is the process of constantly searching for balance captured in the spirit of sustainable design.
在不斷變化的世界裡, 可持續發展就是要在人與自然之間找到平衡,在設計過程中每個階段做出更好的選擇。
動態雕塑是一個在空中移動的裝置, 它呈現的不僅是其藝術的美感,而且是平衡力量的展示。
利用了兩個由維修中心回收的退役洗衣機不銹鋼滾筒,剪裁出其獨特的蜂巢形狀作為裝置的主要組件。 一層一層製作,形成一個相互扣連的結構,每個組件相互平衡。創造一種無重的錯覺,在空中滑翔,賞心悅目。這不斷尋求平衡的過程正正就是可持續設計精神。