其實每日我地丟緊去堆填嗰六百噸嘅木廢料入面包括有好多好多嘅卡板, 如果多啲人識拆卡板自己砌傢俬, 就唔駛吓吓都去ikea 啦! 今次好榮幸經文化胡蘆介紹, 認識到其中一條受東北發展影響嘅農村, 牛潭尾村. 一條住咗千幾人嘅村, 入面有好多都係公公婆婆. 出入都要行十至十五分鍾去村口搭小巴. 沿路公共設施唔太多. 所以暑假期間就帶同一班熱血嘅 Thei & HKDI 同學由入村site visit開始, 一步步為牛潭尾村做咗一批公共傢俬!
p.s 無錯, 牛潭尾村係一條"農村"! 西區村民話直至幾年前高鐵地盤抽走晒條村嘅井水(地下水), 農田就開始種唔倒嘢, 養魚場, 雞場, 果園亦都相繼結業了. 而因為港鐵工程, 有村民間屋出現沉降裂紋, 港鐵話唔關佢地事. 有地產商強行收地變左垃圾廢車場, 收唔倒就搵黑社會半夜入村騷擾佢地. 報警警察以私人業權爭拗為由不受理...聽到心都實晒...
We are throwing more than 600 tons of wood to our landfill everyday here in Hong Kong, there must be a better way to use these material!
Introduced by Hulu Culture, me and a group of passionate Thei and HKDI design students got to visit a lesser known farm village Ngai Tam Mei located in the northern part of Yuen Long. Affected by recent underground rail road development, most of the wells in the village have been dried out, villagers have been struggling, fish farms, pig farms, chicken farms were forced to close down and emptied out. Leaving behind mostly elderly are still living in the village where public furnitures is lacked.
We decided to make a set of furnitures with pallet woods for the village hoping to ease the life there a little. From a bigger one like the brench for a pavilion at the middle of the village used to be a gather area for the villager, to smaller one like a ramp for wheelchairs.