(2018)三月,有間法國公司嘅同事嚟到藍屋介紹佢地有一團隊專係用法國廠房嘅剩料再造產品,叫Petit h。佢地想將Petit h 嘅產品帶嚟香港,想搵個香港本地設計師一齊唸吓點樣可以裝修佢地中環嘅旗艦店。
其實我對於裝修是唔識的,但深信每個社區掉出嚟嘅物料都有一個獨特嘅故事,所以去到佢地位於法國嘅Petit h 工作室,第一眼就見到一堆堆被剪咗頭尾defect位嘅絲巾碎料,啲絲巾全人手絲印出嚟,手工精細,每張都印住一個個畫家嘅故事。
所以拎到佢地之後,我就將一堆堆巢掹掹嘅絲巾分返色tone,用竹圈好似crop相咁一小塊一小塊咁mount返直,再砌成一塊塊葉嘅形態呈現出嚟。全場掛滿超過5000個絲巾圈,分咗九個色區,鋪天蓋地~每個都係血汗心機 。搭開電車經過中環可以嚟睇睇丫!
特別鳴謝 香港office 同事 & Plug Team!
All my projects have one similar goal: to showcase how unused materials can be turned into something amazing. This project has to be one of the most amazing journey so far.
A privilege to have the passionate Petit h team from Paris to come to my studio in March(2018). Petit h is a brand which will design creative upcycled products using unused materials from their factory, and they were planning to bring their products to Hong Kong and were looking for a local designer in Hong Kong to collaborate on their store design.
Upcycled materials always tell a unique story about their origin. During the visit in the Petit h workshop in Paris, it wasn’t too hard to notice there were bags and bags of off cut silk fabrics from the production, pieces of silk that were all fine printed in its highest quality. Each pattern were hand drawn by artist with a unique story.
The off cuts were brought back to Hong Kong, categorised into different colours and patterns, then mounted on to bamboo circles to form the shape of leaves. Each piece of leaf has a different story to tell, and the whole scenography project used more than 5,000 silk circles with 9 different colours zoning. This was the first time for Petit h to use such a large amount of upcycled materials in their scenography.
From 18 November - 9 December 2018
Hermès, Ground Floor, Landmark Prince’s, 10 Chater Road, Central