傘骨姆指琴是一個由廢棄傘骨所製的樂器裝置,原理參考古代樂器姆指琴(Kalimba)透過撥動鐵枝而發聲。它有八組琴鍵,用兩隻大姆指彈奏,可八人一同合奏。 創作概念源自今日香港的雨傘都是很多故事的載體,記載著時代的變遷,所以此裝置都是使用在街頭上被破壞掉棄的現代傘骨改裝成樂器,令它能繼續編寫更多新的故事和樂章, 為香港發聲。 裝置2016年於 文化葫蘆「港文化·港創意-山水相逢」 沙田公園展出。
Umbrella Piano is an instrument made out of wasted umbrella structure, it is a simplified version of an ancient instrument Kalimba. Containing 8 sets of notes, easily played with both your thumbs and can allow up to 8 people to play together. Inspired by today's umbrella of Hong Kong, which was more than a simple everyday object - an umbrella can be the medium to carry stories about place and time. With this installation, the structure of the broken umbrellas collected from the street were repurposed to create music, continuing the Hong Kong spirit and to create more stories. Installation was exhibited in Heritage x Arts x Design Walk Project [Main Plaza, Shatin Park from 30Apr - 5Jun/2016]